Only a few spots left!

I know there are many characters in the available characters section, but there are almost as many signed up participants who are in the casting process so the actual spots are very few.

I might have to get in contact with some participants who have been signed up and cast for a long time and just check in to see if they still plan on coming and that might free up some amount of characters which is unknown right now.

If you are a person who has signed up, and know now you can’t make it, please send messages to the organizer mail and tell me!


Sign up has reopened!

As written above, sign up has reopened. Go to the sign up page to find the link you need, there are two of them because some have Swedish personnummer and some don’t.

I will work on sending out casting forms to those who got stuck between sign up and casting when I froze everything due to the pandemic.


Sign up re-opens January 12 2022!

I’m going on Christmas leave december 22:nd, and even thought I might be active in the FB-group I don’t want to handle the admin of the sign ups until I’m back at the office. I know I said “beginning of January” but I need a small rest so it will have to be middle of January.
I hope this is not a problem for those of you who haven’t signed up yet.

Updates about the postponment

Because the pandemic is still a fact, and vaccinations are not moving along at the speed I wish, I made the decision recently to postpone Vedergällningen, not just until September which was my plan A, but to a new June date in 2022.

I’ve told the participants who were signed up, and also informed I wish to refund all paid tickets, so we can reset the budget to 0 income. Anyone who already has gotten casted will keep their character, unless they tell us they are dropping out of the larp. I have temporarily closed both the Swedish sign up and the international one.

The plan is to restart ticket sales January 2022 so that all ticket sales are within the fiscal year of 2022. This is also when players who are already cast has decide if they want to pay to keep their casting or let their character go back into available characters.

I’ve also decided that I will use Ensemble, the character learning tool, and pay them for their work. You can check ensemble out here if you want to learn what it looks like and how it can be used.

The migration of the characters and available characters -page over to Ensemble will probable be made in October och November so that you can read about the characters there before tickets are re-released. To both use Ensemble as a part of our web page while at the same time protecting our players integrity we will work with copies. One Ensemble-page will only be editable by me, and will be linked from the webpage, while the version where players substitute the character illustration with their own image will only be available to other players and staff at the larp.

I’m making this blog post because of a discussion in the Nordic Larp community that we are not that good at documenting the process of actually making a larp, the upsides and downsides and I want to at least help out by showing my process. I also think it helps possible participants to be kept updated about what is going on.

Postponed again

I might as well announce that I am looking into moving the larp to summer 2022.
Those of you who got a reminder to pay the invoice, don’t.
Economically we want to repay the sum we got from you, to restart the economic system with a clean slate in January 2022. Me and my economy person will do this manually and gradually. Especially repayment outside of Sweden might take a sweet while.

However if you have already been cast as a character, I’m not going to clean that document, but you may keep the character as a kind of pre-booking. I thank you all for your support and your patience, especially those who mailed me on the organizer mail while I was basically in hibernation. You are a great community to organize larps for.

I hope to see you in 2022.

Postponed to june 17-20 2021

Postponed to june 17-20 2021

Me and Agata have had our meeting and made the formal decision to postpone until 2021.

The reason is we wanted this run to be a summer run, and countries have different anti-virus measures which an international larp needs to take into account. Instead of postponing into fall, we are rebooking the venue for a new June date. (Venue manager sends her best to you all, they will be fine.)

Repayments: Please mail us if you need you ticket money back and we will tell you what data we need. We can handle repaying all the tickets if need be, due to being backed by Studiefrämjandet and only having spent minimal amounts of the budget.
Asking for repayment means giving up your spot and character. We need to know if you are dropping out even if you hadn’t paid yet. Please mail us.

But you are welcome to keep your spot and your character as well. If you hadn’t paid yet because of Covid-19, we froze everything waiting to know more about the pandemic so you don’t owe us interest or late fees.

We will move the due date on current and future in-voice to February last 2021.


Covid-19 update

Hello dear participants and possible participants! This is not a “the event is cancelled” but we want to show you we are on it.

We know many of you are disappointed and anxious about event and travels you planned, so we reach out to make you less stressed about this one.

Sweden has a ban on events for more than 500 people and my prediction is that will last for 2 months.
Vedergällningen is in June and only has 85 people on site. The larping is outside and in well ventilated houses, which means we plan to run it.

We have space to spread out peoples sleeping quarters and will have a hygiene plan in Place to provide hot water for hand washing.
The feast on Friday will also have to be adapted in how it is served.

We have also been in contact with the venue and have alternative dates later in summer/early fall if things change again and we do need to postpone.

Budget wise you do not need to worry for us, if you need to cancle due to Covid-19 we will be able to refund most of the ticket. This is due to the help we get from Studiefrämjandet.

Karin Edman (Main Organizer) and Agata Świstak (Practical organization and on site Team leader)